Sustainability and security


In I.S.A.C. We Have Always Paid the utmost attention to respecting and protecting the environment and the surrounding area.

That is the Canavese area, to which we are extremely attached and we nourish a deep sense of responsibility, aware that our every choice can make a difference.

With this spirit, we decided to give further concreteness to our commitment by obtaining, in 2014, the UNI EN ISO 14001 certification, to substantiate our work aimed at protecting the environment in which we operate and beyond.

I.S.A.C. has undertaken this path voluntarily and among the first in the molding sector: getting certified according to ISO 14001 is the result of a choice that testifies to our commitment to keeping our environmental management system active, progressively improving it in a coherent, effective and, above all, sustainable.

For years we have based our action on principles of sustainability, with an ever-increasing attention to investment in low-impact solutions, such as our choice to replace old gas ovens with modern induction ovens that are part of our 3 lines of production.

Environment and safety policy

In I.S.A.C. we always pay particular attention to technology, materials used and staff training.

The Management has identified the implementation of an Integrated Environment and Safety Management System (with reference to the UNI EN ISO 14001 and UNI ISO 45001 standards) as an effective tool to demonstrate its commitment to respect for the environment and the protection of health and safety of workers, considered decisive factors for business success.

The Integrated Management System is applied to the production of metal parts in steel through the stages of die making, hot stamping and sandblasting, including the significant activities carried out by third parties according to the degree of influence.

The objectives are therefore developed according to the following strategic lines:

Pollution prevention and observance of compliance obligations

The prevention of injuries and occupational diseases and the continuous improvement in terms of health and safety in the workplace, respecting the applicable requirements, also in the light of the COVID-19 pandemic

The continuous involvement of the staff for the development of awareness and skills and the consultation and participation of workers

Maintaining a transparent and collaborative relationship with all interested parties (customers, suppliers, employees, authorities and inspection body); with particular attention to energy efficiency and improvement of the conditions of the working environments in view of sustainable development and technological innovation

To ensure that this policy is understood, implemented and supported at all company levels, the Management undertakes to disseminate this declaration to all internal staff, to the personnel working on its behalf and to make it available to the public and interested parties. It also undertakes to encourage the continuous improvement of the individual skills of each employee and the establishment of the best company climate.

At least once a year, on the occasion of the Management System review, the Management undertakes to re-evaluate the contents of this policy in order to verify its compliance with the changed legislative, business or market conditions.

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